About us

The Founders of the Diplomatic World Institute are Internationally renowned Experts in their Specific Fields


Secretary General

The Independent Think Tank organisation, Incubator and Creator of Congresses and Events. Assisting and Improving the World through Human Diplomacy by connecting People with the World of Business, Culture and Diplomacy. Stimulated and Inspired by Holistic Innovation while Creating a Human Interface with Impact via Debate through State of the Art Congresses, Masterclasses and Gala Events, both virtual and real.

  • It is a sister to the Brussels based Diplomatic World Magazine (Holding) that can claim the status of a key diplomatic-journalistic medium and influential global opinion-maker. 
  • Diplomatic World Institute is registered at UN DESA's Civil Society Database. It is an interface between culture and commerce, interlinking Politics, Diplomacy, Business and Finance, Economics and Cultural Diplomacy.
  • It will be in close contact with the Embassies in Brussels, all Members of the European Parliament, the DG's of the European Commission, the European Council, Members of the Belgian Government, Heads of States, plus a broad range of influential economic forums and organizations, leaders across industries, advocacy, consultancy bureaus and think tanks in Brussels and in other capital cities in Europe, linking to a global institutional base including bodies within the United Nations.
  • It is the interface between industries, societies and administrations by creating sustainable partnerships and forums with specific focus on burning global issues like the development of Africa, creating cultures for understanding, innovation or global transitions. Also the creation and maintaining of a Special Economic Zone with strong Free Trade and Direct Investment connections, is of great importance
  • All actions of the Institute target at playing an active role in protecting worldwide peace and prosperity. The global exchange of cultural and economic goods prevents war and increases personal and social wealth by acting in close cooperation with its sister institute, the Institute for Erasmus Peace Solutions (the Erasmus Institute) and with FEMOZA - The World Free & Special Economic Zones Federation.