Belgian Space Week 2022: cordial thanks & Certificate of Appreciation
Dear Barbara Dietrich,
First of all, very best wishes for a happy, healthy and inspiring 2023!
With the year 2022 just having ended, we can look back on our Belgian Space Week 2022, and it has been great success.
This week aimed to motivate young people for science and technology.
Together with all of you - astronauts, university representatives, government officials and representatives, federal and regional authorities, teaching staff, space enthusiasts - we have witnessed the enthusiasm and joy of the many (young) people we met during this week. Many had never seen a real space traveler. Now they could ask their own, well-prepared questions, which were answered directly by the astronauts.
Every astronaut has his/her/their own story. The astronauts told how they managed to make their dream a reality, through a lot of effort and belief in their own abilities, and with perseverance.
We would like to thank you for your essential contribution to the Belgian Space Week 2022, to its success and impact.
Our cordial congratulations on the result, which will certainly stay with a number of young people and encourage them to make their own dreams a reality.
Dirk Frimout, first Belgian astronaut, and the ESERO Belgium team (European Space Education Resource Office)